
The Ultimate Recipe for Retro Kitchen Bliss

In the words of the iconic band The Four Seasons … “Who loves you, baby?”

Your kitchen does.

The heart of the home has seen you through all your highs and lows. It’s there for every birthday, graduation, and holiday celebration. When you’re sad, it gives you ice cream. On Sunday mornings, it offers you a comfy nook to sip a cup of tea and tackle a crossword. Your retro kitchen is there for you when you need it most.

Remember the last party you hosted? Everyone ended up in the kitchen, didn’t they? Uh huh.

beautiful space with iio fridge

Some things never change. Except, they do.

Our recent reality has brought a new perspective to daily living that few of us could have foreseen. Entertaining friends and family within our homes has been put on hold. Dining in restaurants or commuting to and from work seem like activities and routines from a lifetime ago.

On a more positive note, many of us have used this time to foster deeper relationships with our loved ones while learning new ways to fulfill work commitments and maintain meaningful connections with colleagues. And most of that transformative work has been done in the kitchen.

We’re firing up the stove more often. Chatting longer over lunch. Snacking more. (Did you know that the average person opens the refrigerator 15-20 times a day? We checked) We’ve even transformed the kitchen table into a working home office. Fitting all of that demanding multitasking into one room can take a toll.

Don’t you think you deserve a retro kitchen that makes you feel good?

beautiful things for your mind and body

Spending more time at home has convinced many of us that our kitchens are due for a refresh. At the top of the list? Creating a functional and inviting kitchen style that is all you. Kitchen design magazines can be a great repository of fun ideas; but, flipping through glossy images of large and well-appointed kitchens can leave you with a bad case of wishful thinking.

It’s hard to imagine how to make that style work in the regular to small-sized kitchens most of us have in our homes. Want to knock down some walls to achieve that magazine look? No, thanks. There’s a better – and definitely more affordable – way.


Enter iio retro kitchens.

The name is a bit of a head-turner. (It’s pronounced eye-o.) Just as attention-worthy is iio’s slate of retro refrigerators. Retro chic. Colorful with a touch of European flair.

We want you to have a kitchen that truly reflects who you are. So, we came up with an extra special line-up of fun, stylish, and affordable retro refrigerators. Even better, we believe in long term commitments. Our appliances aren’t just beautiful, they’re energy-efficient and built to last.

Forget about those large and bulky refrigerators that take up most of an average-sized kitchen and cost a small fortune. Spending so much time at home has made us all realize that appliances should share space, not crowd us out. In any case, those big, boxy fridges seem to live in every kitchen now, anyway. So, they’re not exactly beacons of personal style.

iio’s line of fridges let you create your retro kitchen look in ways that best suit your taste: reminiscent of a 1950s kitchen but with modern flair. Go ahead and choose the color, width, and height you want.

Because many homes are on the small size, space is at a premium. iio has baked that understanding into the design process. Our refrigerators are made to fit anywhere while maximizing living space. Put one in a condo-sized kitchen, family room, basement, Airbnb space, man cave, she shed, backyard patio … that’s right, anywhere!

Functional and beautiful – you’ll be able to comfortably accommodate friends and family in your home again. They’ll admire your design sense just as much as your cooking!

That will put a smile on your face every day.

Want to know more? Have a look at the entire series of iio retro refrigerators to find the one that’s right for you.