Ah, summertime. Heading down the highway to the cottage, the last thing you want to be thinking about is how much that relaxing home away from home is costing you in energy usage. You could go completely off-grid, but that comes with its own set of challenges.
A step-by-step approach to reducing energy use might give you the best of both worlds. You can keep the modern amenities that you wouldn’t want to do without and save money at the same time.
the fridge solution
Don’t haul that old, still-working refrigerator up to the cottage. It might seem like a great way to extend the life of an expensive appliance. But older appliances are extremely inefficient, which will cost you more (and potentially contribute to greenhouse gas emissions).
Get yourself an energy efficient refrigerator that features the AdapTech system instead.
This technology reads your fridge use habits. Let’s say, you’re only at the summer retreat on weekends. The fridge is full of food on days you’re there, but essentially empty during the week. The AdapTech system first learns that pattern of use.
Then, it dials down power during the days you’re not there and dials it back up just before you arrive. The fact that it senses when the fridge is being used means that it can return the interior to proper cooling levels the moment the fridge door opens. The best part? Low power draw means a lower energy bill.

the ultimate humidity control
It’s June, and that means that farmers’ markets are popping up everywhere. Full disclosure: I am a farmers’ market-aholic. I go intending to buy just what I need and come home with a whole lot more. But that’s ok. What better way to support our local farmers and savor the bounty that Mother Nature offers?
The one potential problem with that kind of market trip is keeping those fruits and vegetables from turning into mush at the back of your fridge.
The very beautiful iio refrigerator model RR1 comes equipped with the ideal market haul feature – a humidity-controlled crisper drawer.
Load it up with veggies and adjust the setting to high. Or load it up with fruit and adjust the setting to low. Have some of both? No worries. You can adjust the setting to suit both fruits and vegetables, too. That function is going to be a game-changer later in the week when you pull out that pint of strawberries and find they’re still as fresh and flavourful as the day you bought them.
a temperature for all season
Right now, my energy efficient cottage fridge is loaded with all the typical summer fun fare – hot dogs, ready-to-eat potato or pasta salad and ready-to-grill meat and veggies. Come the winter, I’ll likely stock it with ready-to-bake lasagna and a roast. Each of those different types of food really should be stored at a different temperature. The RR1 does that. The ZeroZone drawer is perfect for those foods that need to be kept at around 32°F, like dough, asparagus, mushrooms, meat, and fish.
The rest of the fridge can be set to a different temperature that keeps drinks, cucumbers, and other cold-sensitive foods looking and tasting their best. It’s such a convenient way of keeping food fresh, appetizing, and frost free for as long as possible. No more wasted food going to the compost bin!
And can I just say that low energy bills and extended freshness aren’t even the sexiest part of the RR1? It’s the color, baby – four of them – black, champagne, bordeaux, and white. Sleek, chic, easy on the wallet and the planet!

The Best Caprese Salad
4 ripe tomatoes, sliced thick
4 bocconcini cheese, sliced (or fresh mozzarella)
pinch sea salt
6-8 large basil leaves, torn
extra virgin olive oil
Arrange the tomato and bocconcini cheese around a plate, alternating a slice of tomato and a slice of bocconcini. Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt over the tomatoes. Distribute the torn basil leaves over the tomatoes and bocconcini. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the top. Serve with slices of crusty, artisanal bread.